Sunday, August 23, 2020
3 Steps to Acing Your Upcoming Group Interview
3 Steps to Acing Your Upcoming Group Interview You’ve been approached in for a board meet. Perhaps you’re threatened. Perhaps frightened. Possibly you’re not even sure you comprehend what that really involves. Whatever your degree of fear, here are three simple strides to traversing your board meet tranquilly and in one piece. Stage 1: BEFOREYou reserve the privilege to ask who will be on your board. Do this. At that point inquire about each board part as well as could be expected. You’ll have the option to make sense of a considerable amount and get ready better for what each may be generally quick to ask you. What does this specific gathering of individuals educate you regarding what the organization is attempting to assess?You can likewise ask to what extent (generally) the meeting should last. This will give you a nice sentiment for what amount to and fro conversation will be conceivable, how much space you’ll be given to pose inquiries, to what extent your answers can be, etc.Step 2: DURING Treat every individual on the board like an individual not simply one more anonymous face. This isn't an indifferent divider asking you inquiries. Every questioner on your board is another chance to make a human association and persuade that a lot more individuals in the organization what an extraordinary fit you would be.Be sure to observe everybody’s name as they are presented. Record every one if that causes you recall. When responding to questions, talk straightforwardly to the person who asked, yet then attempt to widen your answer out to cause the remainder of the board to feel remembered for the discussion.Step 3: AFTERYou’ve took in their names and put forth an attempt to interface with each board part presently thank every single one of them earnestly withâ solid eye to eye connection and a quality handshake. From that point forward, it’s the typical post-meet follow-up methodology. Be that as it may, recall that you have to keep in touch with one card to say thanks for each board part. It appears to be a torment, however it’s these little contacts that will help set you apart.The board talk with: 6 hints for previously, during, and after
Friday, August 21, 2020
Interview student from Russia Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Meeting understudy from Russia - Article Example These are exceptional workshops, where we get together and talk about current issues. I attempt to visit whatever number exercises as could be expected under the circumstances, for instance, we have workshops on legislative issues, financial aspects, movies and music, writing. During our last gathering (before I went to the US) we talked about the viewpoint of the European Union and the consequences of submissions in France and the Netherlands. Concerning me, I think, this thought has consistently been somewhat counterfeit, it doesn't carry a lot of benefit contrasting and the cash that is spent to help it, take a gander at the Euro, its quality won't keep going for long. However, that is just my feeling. I am to demonstrate it, I need to compose a paper with my thoughts. - In the start of the 90s, after the breakdown of the Soviet Union, there was felt absence of fund in training, while in the US there was a lot of consideration paid to it. In the Soviet Union training was free; these days we have another option, regardless of whether to learn at the state or private (which implies one is to pay much for it) school, school, college. Incidentally, a similar circumstance is in the circle of medication. - Officially, truly, yet the holding up rundown would be exceptionally long, in this way, most presumably, you wouldn't require any clinical treatment as of now. That is the reason informally you need to offer cash to specialists or purchase medications. At that point, talking about the arrangement of instruction, with respect to me, I learn at the State University for nothing and even get a grant, yet there are understudies who pay for their examinations and these entireties are extremely enormous, in this way, I'm apprehensive, advanced education isn't accessible for everybody. - In the US you have the chance to choose without anyone else whether to concentrate just or to work or consolidate your activity with learns at the school or college. I think, that working while at the same time contemplating is significant on the grounds that it is a decent preparing and experience. - In Russia training is necessary just for initial eight classes, at that point you can go to work, on the off chance that you need to enter the college, you are to read for two additional years, and afterward attempt to breeze through your tests for advanced education. I attempt to consolidate studies and employment, however now and again it causes issues either at the University of at work... - Let's discussion about regular day to day existence in Russia. In what ways is it intriguing or bizarre Is it harder or simpler for a normal resident in monetary viewpoint, for instance Is it hard for you, specifically - Yes. I comprehend. In Western nations there are a lot of generalizations about Russia: that its entire populace comprises both of starving heavy drinkers or criminals (or hoodlums drunkards). Be that as it may, luckily it isn't so. Trust me. Obviously, there are criminals, as in any nation - in huge urban areas it tends to be fairly risky to show up in the road late around evening time. With respect to vodka, it is as yet an issue, particularly in the open country, since individuals can't secure position there, the Soviet arrangement of kolkhoz and sovkhoz (ranches which have a place with the state)
Friday, July 10, 2020
What Philosophy of Science Essay Topics Should You Consider?
What Philosophy of Science Essay Topics Should You Consider?Many students may be wondering if they should choose a philosophy of science essay topic, or something else. There are a variety of different factors to consider when choosing this type of essay topic.Some people prefer the philosophy of science essay topics that focus on a single question or idea that would apply to most situations. For example, if a student asked about the chemical composition of a unique form of life, he or she could write an essay about the creation of the universe, the formation of the solar system, and the reason for the existence of life in the world. The main theme would be how the concept of God evolved.But there are also other types of philosophy of science essay topics. A philosopher could write about the history of science, describing how the philosophies have developed. There is the issue of where scientists stand today compared to where they stood five or ten years ago. Or the individual scient ist might want to write about how the scientific process changed or developed as time has passed.Other types of philosophy of science essay topics could be on a human subject such as science and ethics. A student might write an essay on scientific research into the effect of behavior on the environment. Or the history of space exploration, how it came to be.Another popular philosophy of science essay topics might be why the sciences are better than the humanities, or how the existence of God supports a number of scientific theories. A student might want to compare and contrast science with religion.A final type of philosophy of science essay topics would be on the potential application of science to society. The professor could ask a student to explain how their ideas would lead to a society or business. Or the professor might see the application of scientific principles in developing new technologies.Philosophy of science is not the only option for students who want to get an under standing of the philosophy of science. But it can be a good avenue for many students to get a good understanding of the various ways that science is relevant in our society today.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
First Impressions Are Not Last Impressions - 1608 Words
First Impressions are Not Lasting Impressions When you see a person in a wheelchair, a person with no legs, or a person with physical abnormalities what is you reaction? Do you stare with curiosity? Do you pretend to be indifferent and walk by like there is no person there at all? Are you disgusted or stricken with pity? Or do you see them as a person, just like you, living their life the best they know how? Our perception of people are largely based on their physical appearance and often the thoughts that enter our minds when we see an individual that has a visual disability are negative and cause us to formulate a disapproving impression about their person as a whole. The question lies in what happens with the initial impression.†¦show more content†¦Or if a person is missing a limb, in our minds they are an incomplete person. We may think that they dont have the same things to offer society that a person with that has all four limbs intact has. In the same light, if an individual were to be unable to speak a word or sentence with fluidity due to some dysfunctional neurological function, we assume that they are somehow stupid and they dont have the capacity to formulate a meaningful and intelligent thought, when in reality they may intellectually far surpass the average person. Due to this initial perception that is drawn, a broader conclusion is made about the person as an entire entity that mirrors that initial perception. In essence, a halo effect occurs and the persons positive or negative traits seem to spill over from one area of their personality to another in others perceptions of them. Bodily appearance assumes a major role because the visible appearance of an individual, not the invisible personality, constitutes the main basis of identification. (Chapter 4, Pg 61) But if these initial conclusions remain throughout the relationship, then how might a relationship between two people flourish into greater intimacy, similar to that of the relationships between the woman with cerebral palsy and the man at the party in Skin Horse? They answer is that they dont; the initial perceptions of people do not remain once one has gotten to know the person better.Show MoreRelatedAn Reflection On The Impression Formation1723 Words  | 7 PagesINTRODUCTION: Impression is a long lasting image of a person created in our minds which can last long for years. There are a lot of research done by Solomon Asch (1946), Bruner Taiguri (1954), Rosenberg, Nelson Vivekanathan (1968) to understand Impression Formation. According to Solomon Asch (1946) at a glance of any person an impression of his personality can instantly form. Even by looking or talking with that person a whole story about his entire character can be told. These impressions can be formedRead More Principles of good customer service Essay1011 Words  | 5 Pageshow you are feeling towards them. First Impressions First impressions count in any business, particularly overseas where dealing with people is such an important part of the work. You need to understand that the way you and your organisation present themselves to customers has a direct influence on their enjoyment, your job satisfaction and the future success of the organisation that employs you. In particular when meeting a customer for the first time it is important to have a good attitudeRead MoreImpact of a first impression816 Words  | 4 PagesImpact of a First Impression It has commonly been stated that one is never given second chance to make a great first impression. Everyday we have numerous interactions, where opportunities come and go in an instant, like sliding doors opening and closing. Ideally, we want to seize these moments in a favorable way. It is of great importance to understand how our human behaviors effect the first impressions we give others. Importance of First Impressions By definition an impression is, â€Å"a characteristicRead MoreFirst Impressions1450 Words  | 6 PagesFirst impressions are very important to your every day life. They are the basis of how relationships start and how you are seen by other people. People, based on first impressions, form opinions. The opinions could begin many things and lead towards success or these opinions could be ones that are misleading and have a negative impact on how people relate to you. First impression are very important on peoples social life, in your education and in employment. In your social life, first impressionsRead MoreThe Solitary Reaper- an Analysis.764 Words  | 4 PagesREAPER –William Wordsworth A general outline of the poem: Wordsworth, as a romantic nature poet gives his deep impression as he hears the song of the reaper in the highlands. The emphasis is on a single girl singing while she is reaping the corn-alone with nature. The poem highlights the emotional intensity of the girl’s song-it is sad, melancholic and overwhelming. The impression that the song makes on the poet is conveyed through the images of weary travelers lost in the desert reacting to theRead More First Impressions Essay1434 Words  | 6 Pages First impressions are very important to your every day life. They are the basis of how relationships start and how you are seen by other people. People, based on first impressions, form opinions. The opinions could begin many things and lead towards success or these opinions could be ones that are misleading and have a negative impact on how people relate to you. First impression are very important on people’s social life, in your education and in employment. In your social li fe, first impressionsRead MoreWhat is Impression Formation1321 Words  | 5 PagesIntroduction Impression formation is an idea formed without consciousness based on little evidence to evaluate a judgement. The process of forming impression is determined through verbal communication, non-verbal communication and paralinguistic cues. Verbal communication is the content of what a person says. Non-verbal communication is the way we present ourselves without using spoken language while paralanguage is the way we talk other than spoken words. This research conducted was experimentalRead MorePride And Prejudice By Jane Austen Essay1193 Words  | 5 PagesThere is a second title to the novel Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen. Jane Austen did not initially call the book title Pride and Prejudice but rather called it First Impressions. Although this book initially had a different title, they both have a significance at two different halves of the book.The initial title First Impressions that Austen gave to the book is dominantly reflected throughout the beginning. As the novel pr ogresses towards the middle to the ending, that is when we see the aspectsRead MoreFailure Is Much Often a Better Teacher Than Success,895 Words  | 4 Pagesbeen a constant motivator in my ultimate goal, which is to be successful, and the absolute best I can possibly be. Since middle school athletics have been a major part of my life. Taking up almost all of my free time away from school. Spending my first semester of the 2008-2009 school year as a starter of the MLK Lions Football team, but with all of my hard work, I would never have gotten this opportunity without at some point dealing with failures. In conclusion, failure is often a better teacherRead MoreA Report On The Hotel Sector1420 Words  | 6 Pagesintensifies. At the same time, the prosperously developing travel sector across the world manifests the huge market potential of the hotel sector (Milne, S., Ateljevic, I. (2001)). Lobby is the key department that gives the first impression and the last impression to customers and it represents the image of the whole hotel. The service includes the Protocol Department, the reception, the switchboard and the business center. The main functions are ordering, check-in, service in the hotel, check-out
Marketing Strategy Development Organization and the Industry
Question: Discuss about theMarketing Strategy Developmentfor Organization and the Industry. Answer: Introduction The organisation, ASDA has been taken for complete analysis of the marketing strategies. It is one of the leading supermarket retailers that is operating in UK. It is selling a variety of products in its store. It has a general assortment of products, electronics items, garments and food items. The company is the second largest retailers after Tesco. The company also has a section that offers Financial Services to its customers. It also has a mobile phone business. The company has nearly 500 stores across the entire country with a combined workforce over 175,000. (Liu and Ko, 2014) The mission of ASDA is to become the best retailer in terms of value and not only meet but to exceed the needs of their customers on a regular basis. The purpose of ASDA is to help people save money by offering the products at the lowest possible price.The company is committed to its objectives to meet the challenges in the course of its business. They are careful that the quality that is offered is in no way affected by the adversities that they face in their business. They work on a continuous basis to offer the best products to the customers which are sustainable in nature. Marketing is the method of promoting the products of the company for sale. It is only through the sale of the products or the services that a company earns its revenue. Every company takes certain strategies for marketing to maximise the sale of its products. The most unique selling point for the products of ASDA is the pricing policy. The company maintains one of the lowest prices to attract its customers.(Ododo,, 2015).It is committed to give the products lower than any other player in the retail market. As per its declaration, it gives products at rates cheaper to the extent of 10% in comparison to that of its competitors. The cost comparison can be done online also. The comparative prices can be obtained during the time of online shopping. One can know the prices at the rival stores by sitting at home. The low pricing factor is the main reason behind the voluminous sale of ASDA. The branding of a company helps in easy identification of a company and its product. After the takeover of ASDA by WalMart in 1999, there has been a thrust on the branding exercises which form an important part of the marketing strategies.(Stobart, 2016).ASDA is offering food, apparel, household items, books, music CDs, etc. It has also added sections selling medicines, optical, ornaments, etc. The food items are being sold with the branding of being low cost items. The new businesses have incorporated the similar messages that have led to an easy identification with the customers.The company has also introduced financial services. The company focuses on its low pricing with quality as part of its branding and promotion exercises. (Zentes and Morschett, 2013) Analysis of the 5Cs for the Organization Company- The Company can be Analysed on the Basis of the SWOT Analysis. Strength: The Company deals with multiple products and services. It also has a strong marketing campaign in place. The Company is very good at maintaining the contact with its customers. It wants feedbacks from the customers for bettering its products and services. It does its best to meet the customer satisfaction levels. The Company has a strong image of a responsible corporate citizen. It undertakes various CSR activities to remain committed to the community. (Metzger, 2014) Weakness: ASDA has its presence majorly in the U.K. Opportunity: There are huge scopes for the Company in the newly added areas of pharmaceuticals, jewellery, photography and opticals. The Company can explore growing markets in countries such as China and India. (Pancholi, 2014) Threats: There are threats of pricing from rivals. Maintaining low pricingbecomes a pressure at times. Some Government policies also create challenges. Customers- All segments of the society are the target customers of ASDA. It has been found that women customers are more than that of men. They form the segment who buys the regular use products. The males are also customers who buy the products for the entire family. People tend to look for quality at the best prices. The household expenses are dependent on these expenses and people tend to buy within a monthly budget. (Seaton and Waterson, 2013) Collaborators- ASDA maintains a steady healthyrelation with its suppliers. It believes in a win-win relationship. It has different suppliers in the areas of FMCG products, general goods, and apparel. One of the thrust areas is to keep the pricing low so that the Company can retain its market shares. A smooth relation with the collaborators is essential to keep a steady flow of stock of products in the different stores spread across the nation. Competitors- The major competitors of ASDA are Tesco, Sainsbury and WM Morrison Supermarkets. ASDA is second in the place of retail in UK after Tesco. The needs of the customers are changing and that has to be met to stay in the race. The pressure is of the pricing which has to be kept low but the quality of the products has to be maintained. As of now, there are no threats from any new entrants but the existing players have to be dealt with strategically. (Dey, 2016) Context- If the supermarkets are shifted outside the city, the footfall of the customers will tend to come down. This may become a serious business threat for ASDA. The day to day products will be bought by the people from smaller stores that may be nearer to their residences. With the economic turmoil, the disposable cash in the hands of the people have gone down. This has led to the fall in the sales overall. If more money can be pumped in for the advertisement expenses, there are chances of the rise in the sales figures. How does the Firm go about Collecting Information? For the best marketing of the products and services, there needs to be a market research carried out. ASDA has to determine what the actual need of the customers is. Only if it can match the requirement of the customers, it will be able to stay in the competition with its rivals. Retention of the customers will be possible through this. Questionnaire forms and feedback sets from the customers can provide an insight into the actual requirements of the customers. The changes have to be made accordingly so that these issues are addressed and the customers are retained. The customers are very sensitive to their requirements. The Company keeps a close watch on its competitors and the way they are marketing their products. The competition in the retail market is very stiff. The major competition is in keeping the prices down and within reach of customers. The Company tries to maintain the lowest price ranges to retain the market share. (Zikmund,, 2013) The companies such as Tesco and Sainsbury are closes competitors. The Company maintains a close watch on the offers that these companies are making to attract the customers. Accordingly, a change in the promotional approach has to be done. The maintheme is to keep the customersattracted to the Companys products. (Hair Jr and Lukas, 2014) The collaborators such as the suppliers also play a major role in the maintaining of the market position. If the suppliers are not punctual and regular with the delivery of their products, the Company will have to suffer. It has to be ensured that the suppliers are in close contact and are equipped to provide the supply as per the requirement. If there is a shortage of supply, the customers will not wait. They would prefer to go to the stores of a rival Company to collect the product of their choice. Also, the availability of variety should also be there so that customers are free to make a choice as per their discretion. (Ogilvie,, 2016) With the widespread popularity of the digital media, online shopping has caught up. Many people prefer to do their shopping by sitting at home on the online shopping page. A proper e-commerce page is necessary where the products should be highlighted properly so that online sales pick up. The range of products has also increased. The customers have a wide range of options. If the offer is not attractive enough with low pricing, there is every possibility that a customer can shift to a product from a rival brand. Competition has become stiffer and customers have become more conscious of quality. (Fullerton, 2014) Developing the Marketing Strategy ASDA can go for dividing the market according to specialised areas. It will be easier to address the customers in the segmented manner. Relevant advertisements can be made that will be more appealing to this segment of potential customers. The company can also keep in contact with this target segment in a better way. The market segment can also be done on the basis of age. All [products do not appeal to people of all ages. If the promotions can be done in a way that appeals to the age segment, the sales figures are bound to rise. (Simkin, 2016).The ads made targeted for the youths will have different language and presentation compared to those which are for relatively aged people. The Company can also go for opening smaller stores in different parts of the country. The operating stores are generally large supermarkets that are in larger cities. With smaller stores spread out over the land, the reach will be increased to a much bigger number of customers. This will result in higher sa les figures which will lead to a growth in the profits. This will pose a barrier in case any new entrant plans to come into the market. The loyalty of the customers is bound to get enhanced with this option. (Hoang, 2016) As ASDA has been taken over by Wal Mart, it has now got the experience and expertise of the food and the fashion field. The Company has now a much better quality of products to offer.The Company is committed to offer the best quality at the lowest prices. The Company is always on the lookout for lowering its prices. The major threat is from the Competitors. The only way to stay ahead of them is to offer the customers something different that would seem more beneficial to the customers. ASDA has to actively keep a watch on the offers that are being brought out by the rivals. (Ododo, et. al, 2015).It needs to offer schemes that will make a greater saving on the part of the customers. This unique feature needs to be stressed on the promotional activities and the advertisements. The different ads must appeal to the emotions of the customers. If they are so and are eye-catchy, people will tend to buy from ASDA. The Company should always position its products as per the target segments. It must keep on a continuous survey to catch hold of any developing requirement of the customers. If any point is found that has to be addressed immediately. If the chance is missed out, it may be capitalised by one of the rivals. (Daniel, 2015) Developing the Marketing Tactics For the best effects of the marketing results,a marketing mix of the 7Ps needs to be carried out. None of them can be ignored as they are dependent on each other. (Hamzah and Sutanto, 2016) Product:The Company must always have the products in its focus. There should be ample variety for the customers. They should meet the needs of the customers. The requirements of the customers tend to change. The Company must keep track of the needs so that ASDA may be able to meet these requirements and the customers feel attracted to buy these products. Place: The ready availability of the products at the stores is necessary. The larger stores house a larger variety of products. But, these supermarkets are there only in the big cities. If smaller stores are developed that are spread out over the country, larger people can have access to the different products that are sold by ASDA. The chances of greater sales revenues are increased. (Sethna and Blythe, 2016) Price: Pricing is one of the most sensitive parts of business. In a retail store like ASDA, people want to get the best quality of the products at the lowest price. Most of the customers will buy only when they are satisfied with the pricing. They can only be wooed if the pricing is kept low without decreasing the quality of the products. Promotion: Promoting the products in the most catchy and innovative manner can boost the sales of products. ASDA should engaged different innovative advertisements to catch the attention of the customers. Different offers should be provided that can help customers get the feel of saving money which in turn increases sales such as Buy one, get one free. Collections of points over purchase and redeeming them into money or gifts can also be attractive ideas. (Datta, H,, 2016) People: The employees of ASDA play a vital role in the business. People who are employed should be efficient at their jobs. The ones who are dealing with the customers directly should always try to make the customers satisfied. This is the key to increase customer loyalty. The approach should be friendly and no customer should go back with any kind of grudge. Process: The shopping experience for the customer has to be made as smooth as possible. There should be no hitches faced by the customer. This is applicable to the stores as well as the online shopping. The display of the products and the billing and payment should all follow a smooth process. Physical Evidence:The different products have to be kept properly displayed by ASDA. The physical evidence creates a significant impact on the buying behaviour of the customer. The customer should be able to have a demonstration of the use of the product if so desired. (McCann, 2014) The proper use of the 7Ps will create the most effective marketing tactics for ASDA. None of them are to be dealt with independently. A proper mix of them can create the desired results. Reference Liu, G. and Ko, W.W., 2014. An integrated model of cause-related marketing strategy development.AMS review,4(3-4), pp.78-95. Stobart, P. ed., 2016.Brand power.Springer. Zentes, J. and Morschett, D., 2013. Retail BrandingConcept, Effects and its.Strategic Management: A European Approach, p.161. Metzger, K., 2014. Business analysis of UK supermarket industry. Pancholi, K., 2014. Retail stores of the UK and determinants of their customers' satisfaction.The Business Management Review,5(1), p.220. Seaton, J.S. and Waterson, M., 2013. Identifying and characterising price leadership in British supermarkets.International Journal of Industrial Organization,31(5), pp.392-403. Dey, K., 2016.Customer Loyalty in the UK. What Causes Consumers to Be Disloyal to Big Supermarket Brands? Zikmund, W.G., Babin, B.J., Carr, J.C. and Griffin, M., 2013.Business research methods.Cengage Learning. Hair Jr, J.F. and Lukas, B., 2014.Marketing research.McGraw-Hill Education Australia. Ogilvie, J., Lindsey, K., Reynolds, K. and Northington, W.M., 2016. Examining Reactive Customer Engagement Strategies in Online Shopping Cart Abandonment: A Regulatory Fit Perspective.InRediscovering the Essentiality of Marketing(pp. 755-756).Springer International Publishing. Fullerton, G., 2014. The moderating effect of normative commitment on the service quality-customer retention relationship.European Journal of Marketing,48(3/4), pp.657-673. Hoang, T., 2016. Market research and marketing plan to enter the United King-dom food supplements market. Case Danapha. Daniel, H., 2015. The impact of the marketing environment: Publications. Hamzah, S.B. and Sutanto, J.E., 2016.The Role of Marketing Mix (7P) for Consumer Buying Decision Pastry Cake in Malang City. Sethna, Z. and Blythe, J., 2016.Consumer Behaviour.SAGE. Datta, H., Ailawadi, K.L. and van Heerde, H.J., 2016. How Well Does Consumer-Based Brand Equity Align with Sales-Based Brand Equity and Marketing Mix Response?.Journal of Marketing. McCann, S., 2014.An investigation into the value of product names, their impact on consumer behaviour and subsequent marketing tactics. An investigation using low-involvement purchases within the Irish retail sector(Doctoral dissertation, Dublin Business School). Ododo, C., Mulholland, G. and Turner, J., 2015, November. Can Discount Pricing Be A Comeptitive Brand Strategy? An Evaluation of Aldi.InInternational Conference on Marketing and Business Development(Vol. 1, No. 1, pp. 241-251).Bucharest University of Economic Studies Publishing House. Ododo, C., Mulholland, G. and Turner, J., 2015, November. Can Discount Pricing Be A Comeptitive Brand Strategy? An Evaluation of Aldi.InInternational Conference on Marketing and Business Development(Vol. 1, No. 1, pp. 241-251).Bucharest University of Economic Studies Publishing House. Simkin, L., 2016. 11 Segmentation.The Marketing Book, p.271.
Thursday, April 23, 2020
Sigma Marketing free essay sample
Sigma Marketing Case Study Sigma Marketing has been ahead its time from the marketing aspect for decades. Although the company will have to adjust to the external environment in order to have continued success. The case study did not seem to mention competition but the company has a niche which limits the competition they will face. Finding an unfilled need is the key to reducing or eliminating competition. Therefore, I do not foresee competitors creating a major problem for Sigma as they are the founders for what they do and continue to raise the bar in order to stay relevant. According to the text, technology advancements refer to the way accomplish tasks or the processes we use to create the â€Å"things†we consider new (Ferrell amp; Hartline, 2011). Technology can create new marketing opportunities for those companies that embrace and implement the changes. Sigma has always invested in additional training, continued education and upgrades regarding technology advances. We will write a custom essay sample on Sigma Marketing or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Their commitment to stay in the forefront will serve them well in the future. From administrative tools to e-commerce, technology will be the company’s biggest challenge over the years. As technology advances, companies may find ways to produce some items in-house with the younger generations starting to become a part of the workforce that grasps technology better than the aging workforce in place. In order to combat the changes in the workforce, Sigma must put a strong emphasis on communication. Communication with the client is an essential aspect of firm’s success. With several choices available many times the decision maker is the customer service that a company provides. Continuing to solidify communication to long standing clients and building new relationships with new clients will make a big difference. Communication will have the biggest impact on Sigma as technology makes face to face meetings obsolete. Sigma must find new ways to keep a face and the name connected. Phone calls and annual meetings with clients to discuss what they have done and what they are looking to do differently will play a large part in keeping clients’ needs met. SWOT for Sigma Marketing Potential Internal StrengthsRespected companySuperior managementBetter marketing skillsAlliances with other firmsGood distribution skillsCommitted mployeesWell trained employeesGrowing product line| Potential External OpportunitiesChanging customer needsNew technologyClient’s growth| Potential Internal WeaknessesProduct lineLoss of visionary Aging workforce| Potential External ThreatsChanging customer needsRival firms developing new strategiesEconomic downturnNew technology| The most important strategic initiatives for Sigma are personnel strategies, succession plans and sustainability. Making sure that Sigma personnel continues to be well educated and skilled will help to determine whether the company continues to grow or starts to decline in the long term. Succession of leadership goes along with the strength of the personnel. Once Mike retires, there will need to be a smooth transition of leadership. This transition will affect the entire company from the vision to client relations. If done properly there will only be minimal adjustments and continued growth of the company. Otherwise this transition can be the company’s downfall. Sustainability is another vital issue. With many companies going green trying to reduce their carbon footprint, Sigma must continue to find ways to reduce theirs also. Companies with these environmental concerns pay more for services and products from green companies and stop doing business with those companies that are not making a difference. Sigma Marketing has been an innovator since the beginning and continues to reinvent itself. If it continues to follow the vision that its founder had the company should have continued success and growth. References Ferrell, O. C. , amp; Hartline, M. D. (2011). Marketing Strategy (5th ed. ). Mason, OH: South-Western Cengage Learning.
Tuesday, March 17, 2020
The Golden Age of Islam essays
The Golden Age of Islam essays The rise of Islam ushered in an entirely new era for the people of the Arabian Peninsula as early as the 7th century CE. Islam extended itself across the Middle East and then began its conquest of North Africa, reaching into Spain and Eastern Europe. The 1200s saw Islam's spread into India as well as Southeast Asia. The success and expansion of Islam throughout these times was founded on the power of the empire's military, the effectiveness of a common language, and the egalitarian practices of leaders regarding conquered peoples. Islamic armies possessed the ability to efficiently and quickly advance the territories of their empires by employing advanced ideas and tactics as well as their superior use of a militant cavalries made up of both horses and camels. The leaders of these armies and empires treated conquered peoples with remarkable tolerance, once these people agreed to their authority, of course. In combination with this territorial expansion, intellectual e xpansion exploded. This time period is known as the Golden age of Islam and was focused on three main principles of language, trade, and education. In order to read the Quran, a devout Muslim would need to learn Arabic, the original language of the holy book. This religious requirement affected more than just the daily religious practices of Muslims, it aided in uniting the multifarious indigenous cultures within the empire of Islam. The spread of knowledge, technologies, and ideas was made possible by the use of this common language, effectively uniting the culture. Literacy is an important aspect of this transformation. Unifying faiths and languages alone, for all that, did not solely inspire the expansion of literacy and academics cultivated by the Golden Age of Islam, however. Because of expanded trade, the city of Samarkand, on the eastern border of the empire, brought in Chinese technology for making paper. All of a sudden, the time-intensive transforma...
Saturday, February 29, 2020
Basf Marketing Report
In order to be known as â€Å"The†global chemical supplier BASF redefined its image by officially changing its name from â€Å"BASF†to â€Å"BASF the chemical company†in 2004. This bold statement is expressed in their brand, corporate identity and company logo. BASF has lived up to this goal establishing itself as the largest chemical company in the world. (1) BASF, which stands for Badische Anilin- und Soda-Fabrik (Baden Aniline and Soda Factory), has used its image marketing to evoke the concept that We dont make a lot of the products you buy. We make a lot of the products you buy better.  ®. BASF posted sales of 52. 6 billion euro in 2006 (1) placing itself above Dow Chemical, its closest competition, followed by companies Bayer AG and DuPont. BASF the chemical company markets a strategy in all its divisions called the â€Å"Verbund†concept, a German word meaning â€Å"linked†. This concept of total integration is how BASF aligns its businesses internally as well as with customers and suppliers. BASF has realized a competitive advantage by not only integrating but interlocking value chains. In the last three years practicing on the Verbund concept acquisitions like Engelhard Corporation, Degussa AG and Johnson Polymers have allowed BASF to further its vertical integration of its businesses. In 2007 BASF found its place at a rank of 81 on the Fortune Global 500 Companies list, up from 94 in 2006. In February of 2006 Fortune magazine performed a survey of U. S business professionals and BASF earned the distinction of being one of the 50 most admired companies in the world in a global comparison. Introduction When you say â€Å"BASF the chemical company†many people may not know the name but those who do can usually recite the slogan: We dont make a lot of the products you buy. We make a lot of the products you buy better.  ®. Even those that can recite the slogan can be quite challenged to give one example of a product that BASF makes. Given this you would be amazed at some of the everyday products that use BASF chemicals. The additive that thickens your shampoo, the Ibuprofen used in your pain medication, the Legos  ® your kids play with all have components supplied by BASF. The only reason an average person would hear of BASF is through their corporate level image advertising. How is it that a company whose products are never seen by the average consumer ends up as the worlds largest in its industry? How it is a company that many have not heard of could make acquisitions in the 1. 6 billion dollar range? How is it a company can post sales in the 52. 6 billion euro range and the average consumer does not know who they are yet there products are everywhere? The first team discussions on what company to do the report on a team member brought some information to the table. This information is that he works for the world’s largest chemical company and no one knew what the company truly makes provoking the questions from above. The challenge is to understand how a company markets itself to a global position without the normal consumers influence. Our team chose this company to look at a business that would perform its marketing in a different environment than the main stream consumer environment and to better understand how a company markets without being seen. This is a report on business to business marketing observations of BASF the chemical company. Table of Contents †¢Macro-Environment Context †¢Marketing, Research Customer Analysis †¢Segmentation Target Markets †¢Differentiation and Positioning †¢Marketing Decision Levers †¢Recommendations Macro-Environment Context BASF is the worlds leading chemical company. They offer intelligent solutions based on innovative products and top notch services to its customers globally. This is the basis of their mission statement and purpose as a company. Their mission is also to create opportunities for success through trusted and reliable partnerships. BASF visions of success include sustainable profitable performance, innovation for the success of customers, safety health and environmental responsibility, personal and professional confidence, mutual respect and open dialog as well as integrity. Creating a Sustainable Profitable Performance to BASF is the basis for all activities within the company. They are continually committed to the interest of their customers first and foremost. They take pride in rewarding their employees, shareholders and take the same stance with regards to society as a whole to better the environment around them for future generations. BASF takes pride in developing innovation for their customers to add continuous long term partnerships well into the future. Their trade mark statement of We dont make a lot of the products you buy. We make a lot of the products you buy better.  ® clearly states this philosophy. They derive nearly all of their business from Business to Business (B2B) sales. This makes innovation very important in all of their many niches in multiple markets they involve themselves in. Partnerships are valued within BASF and are built upon continually to mutually take advantage of highly scientific and technological advances. Due to the nature of the business, that being a chemical company, the environment must take precedence to ensure success. In this day and age, if your company doesn’t take steps to protect the environment that it is in, it won’t be in business long enough to matter. BASF takes safety, health, and environment responsibility to a level that supersedes that of economic considerations. BASF makes their products environmentally friendly for future generations by supporting the Responsible Care TM initiatives. BASF puts itself among the best in the world by fostering group-wide diversity personal and professional competencies. They feel that diversity leads to global success and capitalizes on competition by offering many differing views. They encourage employees to be creative and utilize their potential for common success. In addition they treat everyone fairly and with mutual respect. They try to keep open dialog with all employees, customers, stockholders and relevant groups within society to keep all on a level playing field. The last core value that BASF incorporates is Integrity. The company acts with respect to their words and values. They comply with all laws and respect all good business practices in the many countries that they operate. BASF has a great strategy that includes 4 simple strategic initiatives. They earn a premium on their capital, they help their customer be more successful, they form the best team in the industry, and they ensure sustainable development. All of which are conveyed in the visions for the company same as above. The strategic initiatives are the product of years of providing excellent products at a competitive price to all of its customers. Politically speaking, BASF is globally involved. Based in Germany and intertwined within business all around the world it would be impossible to not be involved in politics. It takes a great stance on political issues to continue its success in business and to show continued enthusiasm in protecting the environment. With regards to the Environment, BASF strives to be the best and let the world know that this is an important issue. Environmental issues in past years have shown light on companies that make their business creating and working with chemicals. BASF cannot escape the microscope of this issue. They comply with all government regulations in all countries it does business to ensure their future. They support the Responsible Care TM initiatives and keep them at the forefront of their values. Environmental issues to BASF ties directly to their social responsibility. The people at BASF value their own lives as much as their neighbors and support this by their integrity. They treat those around the world with the same respect that they feel they would want, regardless of what they are doing. Be it they are selling products to another company or creating a new product, social responsibility is never taken lightly. Technologically BASF prides itself in being the best for themselves and those they do business. They invest millions upon millions to ensure success in the ever changing markets all over the globe. They pass their technological advances on to their customers to ensure continued success and lasting partnerships. Technological advances in the chemical field have undoubtedly kept BASF at the top for so many years. Given a clear SWOT analysis of BASF from any level of the organization, the business unit, the product line or the specific product yields a clear image of their strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats all over the globe. SWOT analyses are often used during sales meetings to identify opportunities in the market. They have proven themselves over and over by being a superior company throughout all markets. A tried and true philosophy rooted in the company’s vision and values brings this out in them. They continually identify trends in the industry and counter the changes all the time. In addition they analyze their competition whenever possible to capitalize on those before them. BASF analyzes itself through multiple management channels to ensure continued innovation and profit for its customers, employees and shareholders. Teams all around the globe research the firm’s present and future clients to build lasting relationships and capitalize on hidden opportunities to improve themselves. Their strengths encompass being a globally prestigious brand, a large market share, and universally known for its social and environmental activities. Opportunities lie within possible joint product lines with other companies and customers. Weaknesses of BASF are global spreading in the way of having employees all over the world and keeping focus on attainable goals. They are influential in just about all markets and run the risk of being thin in a small amount of them. Threats within the chemical market could be the continual need to stay environmentally friendly. This can add costs and reduce focus on core assets of the business. While everyone wants to stay â€Å"green†, it comes at a price and that has to be economically accounted for keeping the cost benefit ratio at an equilibrium that is good for all. Marketing Research Customer Analysis BASF being a company that markets its goods and services to organizational firms primarily focuses on the practice of business marketing and being a company that produces no real end product the analysis of normal consumer behavior is not widely used. The success of a business to business marketing plan is in the hands of an organizations purchasing group. These groups that make the purchasing decisions for organizations usually have numerous deliverables that could drive the individual market. One group may see delivery performance as a key factor in their purchasing decisions, the next market segment may see price, value added services or warranty as the key elements. Because of this BASF must continually scan the environment of each of its individual segments and markets using a multidomestic marketing strategy. Being a global provider of chemicals the use a multidomestic marketing strategy helps in the sale of their diverse array of products dependant upon the particular market and the unique region. Marketing research in a commodity based business like the chemical business is primarily based on the use of combination of secondary data analysis and a small amount of primary data gathering and mainly environmental scanning. Scanning the environment and staying on top of the latest social, economic, technological, competitive and regulatory forces help BASF form its global strategy in marketing. This strategy then flows down to the different divisions using more practical marketing research tools to grow the business. Being a business to business company means marketing research is primarily secondary data. BASF globally uses SAP business software. The information gathered in this software is used to formulate sales forecast based off past performance. It is also used to analyze what products are moving and which are not giving key indicators of what products or even divisions are the Stars which are the Dogs, Cash Cows and Question marks. Corporate sales, procurement and logistic systems like WorldAccount or Ensphere ® are also used to gather this data to better service the customer. Trade magazines and publications are used by many of the divisions to gather data in the development of marketing plans. Here is an example from one of the divisions; BASF Industrial Coatings uses trade publications like Metalmag and Construction News to analyze industry trends. Along with trade magazines industry web sites provide information as well. Sites like the one listed below provide valuable information to keep BASF on top of the industry and what’s the voice of the customer. These sites are for the Industrial Coatings division. http://www. coolmetalroofing. org (cool metal roofing coalition) http://www. coolroofs. org (cool roof rating council) http://www. metalconstruction. org (metal construction association) http://www. themetalinitiative. com http://www. designandbuildwithmetal. com (new website lots of pertinent info). Although this is just one division of BASF the same practices reflect across the different divisions. Although not highly used, BASF does a small amount of primary data gathering. In the different divisions web polls, new product or service trials and focus groups have been used to gather information about the voice of the customer. Companies like Ducker Worldwide have performed â€Å"Voice of the Customer Focus Groups†to gather information on the performance of BASF as compared to their competition. Trials include potential new products or services that are either presented or given to a customer to test the markets interest in such goods. These goods or services are run through a customer in the industry to collect information on what the markets tolerance is for such goods or services. Regulatory, social, economic, competitive and technological forces help steer the marketing plan of the various BASF divisions. Through environmental scanning in each of these unique regions BASF collects data. The data is then analyzed to focus on trends in the global market. This data is then used to help direct the company and marketing plan. Canada has had legislation banning/limiting the use and importing of the chemicals such as Isophorone. Isophorone is a distillate of acetone a chemical used in inks, coatings and copolymers. This markets regulatory force led to a change in the components used in coatings sold into Canada. This led to the marketing of â€Å"Isophrone Free†coatings. This information was gathered and then marketed through brochures and fliers as well as the face to face interactions of the BASF sales force with their Canadian customers. With the ever increasing focus on the health of our environment, not only locally but globally, BASF has recognized this social pressure and focused an incredible amount of energy on marketing to the â€Å"Green Movement†. A mere visit to the BASF web site will show the amount of energy being placed upon marketing to the environment. This Green Marketing can be seen in headlines like â€Å"Intelligent solutions for climate protection†, â€Å"Sustainable development†, â€Å"Eco-Efficiency†and â€Å"Climate Protection†on the lead in page of their web site. BASF is currently marketing its association with world wide movement â€Å"Eco- Efficiency Analysis†. Figure 1. Eco-Efficiency Analysis comparing BASF Ibuprofen to competition This term that was coined by the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD) in its 1992 publication Changing Course looks at the overall footprint of a product from â€Å"cradle to grave†. Realizing the negative image of chemicals and their effect on the environment BASF uses Eco-Efficiency certification to market and sell the total impact a product will have on the environment. The hope is that their product will stand out as environmentally better than the competitions (Figure 1). This certification is being offered on many of its product lines across the globe. Products like Ultradur  ® high Speed easy flow plastic, Ecoflex  ® biodegradable packaging material carry the Eco-Efficiency seal. Other products like or Ultra-cool  ® paints with UV resistant pigments to reduce heat transfer in buildings carry the Energy Star certification. All these have come from environmental scanning. Ultra cool was marketed well enough that it pre-dated any legislation that followed. California’s â€Å"Title 24 Energy Code†now mandates solar reflective coatings used in construction. In the metal roofing industry BASF was the only company producing â€Å"cool†coatings that could meet this legislation and they were producing it before the legislation was enacted. Since then all major suppliers of paint for metal roofing have developed and now market â€Å"cool†coatings. This market segment did not exist until the development of BASFs Ultra-cool ® coatings. This is a testament to the effects of collecting marketing data using environmental scanning, product development and marketing. In scanning the economic climate BASF has gathered data for years on the benefits of their concept Verbund also known as total integration. The Verbund concept has been marketed through every division of BASF the chemical company. There is a â€Å"Purchasing Verbund†, â€Å"Safety Verbund†, a â€Å"Production Verbund†and many more. All of these wide variety of products would make you think that there are a lot of different prices to consider when purchasing from BASF. Because the products they offer are mostly raw materials, the prices of their products change with the economy. When the price of oil goes up, their prices for materials related to that product go up as well. They don’t base their prices off of any index or manufacturer recommendation. This price fluctuation does not affect the quality of their services as there is really no comparison by price to judge whether or not the product is quality. The price that BASF offers for it’s products does not affect consumer perceptions of their company. It seems that along with the business of providing chemicals, they also bring along the feeling of connecting with their customer on a higher level. That overrules the price effect on a consumers decision to go with BASF. BASF does not use the concept of off-peak pricing, which consists of charging different prices during different times of the day, week, or month. This usually reflects the varying demands of the services or products offered. BASF would not benefit from this tactic because the only reason their price changes would be due to the economy and their resources. They do not have a peak time or an off-peak time of demands for their products because they are raw materials and chemicals. The chemicals that BASF offers are in need to make finished products by many different companies at all times of the year. Place BASF uses the e-commerce network widely to reach their customers and suppliers. E-commerce is the electronic handling of business transactions with purchases and production. They conduct most of their transactions through the web in which a customer can log into their personal account and purchase their products through what they call WorldAccount. BASF uses the new internet e-commerce world as a way to make communication faster, more effective, and more direct. It allows customers to have service 24/7, get precise product information, have orders processed faster as well as keep current data on all of your orders. BASF found that the e-commerce way of providing products was the best way allowing more detail and service to be provided to the customer. BASF also has a good representation with production and sales facilities in all of the economic regions. They are located in five continents which are Europe (which is their home market), North America, Asia, Africa and South America. They have more than 100 large sites throughout the world which allows them to be closer to their customers in 170 countries and supply them with their products in a reliable manner. BASF has verbund sites located in Germany (Ludwigshafen), Belgium (Antwerp), Freeport Texas, Louisiana, Malaysia (Kuantan), and China (Nanjing). The term verbund is a German word and means â€Å"linked†or â€Å"integrated†. These verbund facilities make use of integration production processes which makes it less expensive to manufacture the products. This allows BASF to supply a wide variety of different sectors. BASF also operates important production sites which are located in Germany (Schwarzheide), Spain (Tarragona), Port Arthur, Texas, Mexico (Altamira), Brazil (Guaratingueta), China (Shanghai), Japan, (Yokkaichi) and Korea (Ulsan). The use of these multiple locations makes BASF a company that one can rely on almost anywhere you are located. This allows the company to become inseparable from their customers making it more convenient to do business with them in person, as well as through their online stores. Promotion The main idea about BASF’s promotional campaign in Europe is to show that certain things would not exist without their chemicals. It aids you in the course of life and without them, certain things would not be attainable for you. Their main slogan is â€Å"Invisible Contribution. Visible Success. They are aiming to show you that BASF is often working behind the scenes to make their invisible contribution that creates a visible success for their customers through using their chemicals to create the end product. Their image campaign in Europe(which is made up of television commercials and print ads) is directed at the opinion leaders. These are members of society who lead others and shape the views of the general public. The campaign has been covered in Germany, France, Great Britian, Italy, Spain, Belgium and the Netherlands through newspapers and lifestyle magazines (such as business, news and science magazines). Their television ads are broadcast during scientific and sport programs, new bulletins, films and television series and is aimed at a wide target audience in Europe. They feature different ads for each type of chemical that they provide which include television ads for the paper industry, the semiconductor industry, water treatment, house construction, sports and leisure, road construction, agricultural products, extreme sports, automotive industry, bridge construction, sun protection, fuel, and plasticizers. They are making sure that they cover each kind of service that they offer by showing this wide variety of television and print ads. BASF uses a discrete way of creating publicity for themselves. When you are on their website for Europe advertising you have the opportunity to download their several different print ad campaigns and use them how you would like. They also offer the option for you to purchase either a postcard or poster of the ad. Publicity is something that is nonpersonal and an indirectly paid presentation of an organization, good or service. In this case, the customer, or fan of BASF, is paying for the poster or postcard, and in turn when sending that postcard or putting up that poster, they are providing no personal advertising that was not directly paid for by BASF. It is a pretty creative way of getting a profit and recognition while allowing their customer’s to do the advertising for them. In this case, the publicity works for them. When it comes to advertising in America, the rules are a little different than they are in Europe. Their main theme is that they are helping to make products better. Their main focus is to show how their chemicals can make your everyday life better here and around the world by creating remarkable and visible changes in many of the most important industries. Their slogan is â€Å"We dont make a lot of the products you buy. We make a lot of the products you buy better.  ®Ã¢â‚¬ . This slogan, according to BASF, has made them the most recognized of any chemical company in North America. The purpose of the several different TV ads allow you to see that they don’t make the finished product, they just provide the quality ingredients to make the best products. It also allows you to see that there are countless uses of the BASF materials that allows you to enjoy life. Just as their slogan says, in most of their TV ads they tell you that they don’t make the product, they just make the product itself better. For example, â€Å"We don’t make the helmet, We make it tougher†is a slogan used in a commercial about their Ultramid polymide nylon that provides hardness and abrasion resistance commonly used in helmets. Along with their TV and print ads, BASF is moving into a more innovational way of advertising to keep up with the demands of advertising and today’s technology. They offer through their website Podcasts. These podcasts include an audible innovation magazine of BASF that offers monthly topics on how chemistry and chemicals will design and shape our future. The other podcast available through the BASF website is â€Å"The Chemical Reporter†. This podcast is for the curious person that has questions about chemistry in your everyday life. This podcast offers answer in their weekly episodes. You can download this to your iTunes account or as an MP3 file for you MP3 player. Another innovation offered is to receive all news alerts and press releases through a RSS feed free of charge. This allows a customer to receive up-to-date news about BASF in a very quick and comfortable way (at your own computer). The only draw back is that you have to download and RSS-reader, but once you have you can select from several different news topics about BASF available online at their website. I’m sure these new innovations are there to create a buzz and traffic to their website. Recommendations The success of BASF marketing can be seen in there continual growth globally. To make recommendations would be easier if we were to look at one division of the company. Either due to market conditions or poor market strategy planning not all the divisions of BASF can be doing well at any given time. The American auto industry is in a state of flux with ever present pressures from the global market. Although divisionally BASF will feel these pressures globally their affiliation with non-US auto makers absorb some of this industries variation, this allowing time for the US market to be analyzed and adjustments to be made. Pure recommendations would have to come from some direct market analysis based off of the division of the company. BASF has done a great job in their Verbund concept. Being a supplier, the concept of interlocking processes or systems creates a relationship with the customer that is hard, or sometimes inefficient to break. From this alignment with cusotmers long term relationships are established. BASF could draw better on global technologies. In looking through the BASF corporate web site many of the technologies that are seen are from different countries. Online information on the use of these products in a specific country could not be confirmed or denied as a potential customer it would have been nice to know that they are available domestically. One observation is that BASF although a hidden part of many â€Å"name brand†products does not benefit from any of their customers successes. Co-branding could lock in the business through the social pressures felt by dropping BASF as a supplier in favor of an alternative. One flaw of focusing on the Verbund concept to lock in customer loyalty is it makes social pressure less of a final end consumer pressure and more of an industry pressure which in the end may not affect sales. In not hurting sales the decision to drop BASF is less of an issue of end unit sales and more of an internal issue of efficiency. Companies like Dow and DuPont often add their name to products in advertising. One example is LineX. LineX is a truck bed liner that is spray applied. This product uses BASF chemicals yet it is DuPont that benefits from co branding with LineX. LineX advertises on their website the following â€Å"LineX, fortified with DuPont Kevlar†. This co-branding is getting the name DuPont and their product Kevlar out to the end consumer. Thus if the customer is happy with the bed liner they may be happy with a product like â€Å"Suave shampoo with DuPont thickening agent†when it should be â€Å"Suave shampoo with BASF thickening agent†. This co-branding would broaden BASF’s evoked set and lock in customer relationships. BASF should capitalize on their success more publicly. The successes of BASF can only be found through their website. These high points in the story of BASF would help establish the confidence that a purchasing group would have in dealing with a stable successful company like BASF. One last recommendation would be to sponsor more events. Dow and DuPont get much of there brand awareness from the sponsorship of events like racing. BASF does a limited amount of this and mostly on a divisional basis. Sponsoring events would get the BASF name out there making it more of an everyday name than it is today.
Thursday, February 13, 2020
DQ1 Week 1 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
DQ1 Week 1 - Essay Example This essentially means that an ordinary Internet search will miss out on the vast resources hidden within the deep Web. To appreciate the importance of the deep Web one has only to look at Bergman (2001) findings. To begin with, the deep Web is not only 400 to 550 times larger than the surface Web but is also the largest growing category of new information on the Internet. Also, Bergman (2001) argued that the deep Web’s content quality surpasses that of the surface Web by a factor ranging from 1,000 to 2,000 times. Most of all this content is highly relevant to most information needs. This element of relevance to most information needs implies that both academia and business should find access to the deep Web’s resources important. The world’s biggest search engine, Google was conceived by Sergey Brin and Larry Page when they faced difficulty in finding relevant academic data in the then early Web. Access to relevant, current and quality information is the crux of academia. With conventional search engines accessing only about 16% of the information available on the World Wide Web (LaGuardia Community College 2012) academic researchers risk losing out on a vast resource of information-rich literature content. This is especially true given Lewandowski and Mayr (2006) findings that: firstly, more and more scholarly content are being provided on the Internet and secondly, that researchers are increasingly consulting general-purpose Internet search engines to retrieve these scholarly documents. In addition to this on-going digitization projects are contributing to the continuous growth of the Invisible Web. In light of this, Academia the importance of accessing the deep Web to academia cannot be gainsai d. Researchers have no option but to devise better tools and techniques to enable better and greater access into this information-rich â€Å"portal†of knowledge referred to as the deep Web. On the other hand, business
Saturday, February 1, 2020
City states Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
City states - Research Paper Example Most assuredly, a city-state enjoys unconditional sovereignty, regulating its own taxes, has its own budget, and represents itself independently at the United Nations. However, the level of governance varies from one city-state to another. The ancient Greece had various city-states that were sovereign. Other ancient city-states include Athens, Thebes, Corinth, Megara, Argos, and Sparta (Martin Web). Currently, the numbers of sovereign city-states is low and include Vatican City, Monaco, and Singapore. Indeed, Singapore was initially a member of the federal kingdom of Malaysia. However, it is now sovereign. Assuredly, Vatican City doubles as a city-state and the smallest country in the world since 1929. It entails the central city of Rome that equally serves as the headquarters of the Roman Catholic Church. Its president is the Pope (Parker 52-58). On the other hand, the boundary of Monaco doubles as the boundary of the city-state. Nevertheless, we have other city-states that are not sovereign. For example, Germany has three city-states that include Bremen, Berlin, and Hamburg (Parker 132-136). A mayor heads the three city-states. In addition, Austria has a federal state named, Vienna. The British colony of Gibraltar i s also another city-state in the United Kingdom. In Pakistan, we have a city-state called the colony of Gwadar City. Indeed, city-states fall under sovereign states, federally administered cities, cities that are component states of federations, and cities under international supervision like Danzig. It is a hard fete to claim a country. Indeed, there is no universal way of claiming a country. However, according to the provisions of Article 1 of the Montevideo Convention on the Rights and Duties of States, a state should have mandatory four qualifications (The Globe and Mail Web). These qualifications include a permanent population that defines a group
Friday, January 24, 2020
Argumentative Essay: Gun Control Violates The Second Amendment of the Constitution :: Second Amendment The Right To Bear Arms
Civilian ownership of firearms has for more than two hundred years been the very cornerstone upon which the liberty of the public has been supported. The very reason that Americans have never suffered a tyranny on the scale of Nazi-Germany has been due to the proliferation of firearms in the hands of the general public. The Second Amendment to the Bill of rights of the United States Constitution states "A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed." In order to understand that right, the modern reader must understand the semantics of the eighteenth century. The term "Well Regulated" meant well trained according to James Madison, the principle author of the Constitution. The term militia, according to the Militia Act of 1792, referred to all able-bodied male citizens. The meaning then of the Second Amendment is made quite clear. It is meant to serve as a chain upon the government to prevent the infringement of government power upon the Civil Liberties of Americans. Further proof of this can be seen in a quote from George Madison. "I ask, Sir, What is the Militia? It is the whole people, except for a few public officials." (George Madison, Three Elliot, Debates at 425-426). R ichard Henry Lee, in his Additional Letters from the Federal Farmer of 1788 stated, "A militia, when properly formed, are in fact the people themselves.and include all men capable of bearing arms." Title Ten section 331 of the U.S. code states "The Militia of the United States consists of all able bodied men at least seventeen years of age." The founding fathers of the United States believed that government is a necessary evil. They wrote the Bill of Rights, as stated earlier, to serve as a chain, which would limit government power over its citizens. Civilian ownership of firearms would, in the founding fathers' view, be the " American Peoples' liberty teeth." (George Washington). This is to say that, despite attempts by some hypothetical future government to impose a tyranny, the American people would be able to resist it without armed force. The same founding fathers had only thrown off the yoke of tyranny during the revolution. They knew full well the value of an armed citizenry in fighting off tyranny. The minutemen assembled at Lexington and Concord to prevent the Royal Fusiliers from seizing the munitions of the militia as General Gage had ordered (Order of General Gage, April 18,1775).
Thursday, January 16, 2020
Questions and Answers about Marriage and Same-Sex Union
The two articles delve into the contemporary debate of same sex union. The first one presents the conservative orthodox view of the Catholic faith on same sex union while the second article presents an unorthodox view which is more liberal and accepting. Both article advocate a stand on the same issue and aims to spread the good news of their stand. The two articles tackle the issue of same sex union by giving their own definition of marriage.The orthodox view argues that marriage, as instituted by God, is a faithful, exclusive, lifelong union of a man and a woman joined in an intimate community of life and love and that same sex union is an altogether different thing from marriage since it does not fit the definition. They say that it is not based on the natural complementarity of male and female; it cannot cooperate with God to create new life; and the natural purpose of sexual union cannot be achieved by a same-sex union.The liberal view points otherwise saying that Marriage can b e defined as the unique and special form of committed friendship and this does not say that the persons have to be heterosexually attracted, thus people of the same sex can still be married. This contrasting view is an interesting point for further comparison and contrasting. Both authors use the bible as their authoritative source of arguments. The USCCB in sum claims that what is right is what is written in the bible, Prof.Maguire on his part claims that the bible as a historical account is not an account of what is right, it sometimes contain accounts which recommends what should not be done as depicted by the lesson of particular stories like in the stories about slavery. The liberal view purports that many Catholic theologians agree now with Protestant and Jewish theologians that same sex unions can be moral, healthy, and holy and that many Catholic people are living in same sex unions and adopting children and still practicing their Catholic faith however .While the USCCB cont inues to campaign against the equation of same sex unions to marriage and urges followers to keep their opinions in line with the teachings of their faith and of the bible. While using almost the same source, the bible and the interpretation of the word of God, both authors argue in different directions both of which does not directly rebut each other.
Tuesday, January 7, 2020
The Importance Of Ancient Literature - 700 Words
Essentially when we think about studying literature, especially literature that is centuries old, thoughts such as â€Å"why is this important or how does this relate to me?†arise. Although someone is not going to relate to every piece of writing they read, literature still has plenty to offer. For example, take the course textbook; The Norton Anthology of World Literature. All the excerpts in the book are thousands of years old, so yes, it is possible that one could read the entire text and not relate to single printed word on a personal level. However, there is also the historical context to consider. Ancient literature is almost like a door to the past or in more modern context, a time machine; as it offers us a way to study cultures long†¦show more content†¦Conscious finally returned to Lu and lived out his life as a teacher, gathering a considerable following. The Analects were not written by the master, but by his disciples several generations after his passin g. The Analects discuss topics such as, filial piety (respect for one’s elders), government, and the importance of self-improvement. A prevalent theme throughout several of them is the importance of education and the pursuit of knowledge. Here are a few examples: â€Å"In the old days, people studied to improve themselves. Now they study in order to impress others†(14.24). Meaning, one should study to enhance their life, not to impress colleagues. â€Å"Learning is like a chase in which, as you fail to catch up, you fear to lose what you have already gained†(8.17). There is a plethora of topics to research and analyze, thus it is not humanly possible to know or understand everything. One should utilize education to enrich their life, not to compete with others. When studying, one should expand upon current knowledge, instead of attempting to learn an unfamiliar topic. As Confucius says to Zigong, â€Å"Do you think that I am someone who learns a lot of things and then stores them all up?†Confucius responds with, â€Å"I have one single thread on which to string them all.†In other words, when striving to gain new knowledge, relate it to knowledge already attained by â€Å"stringing†everything together. Relating new information to old can also help one improve uponShow MoreRelatedGreek Material Culture1348 Words  | 6 Pagessay, and prove, that Greek material culture reveals an immense amount about ancient Greek society. From vast studies and examinations of the great ancient Greek architecture, the immaculate fine art and literature and even the personal possessions and crafts of the societies own inhabitants, one can reason that these materials reflect much about ancient Greece and its people. 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